Oh wait, it clicks • July 31, 2023

Writing compelling website copy that CONVERTS

S1 E2 - how to write copy for your website to educate visitors about your product and convert them to customers

[00:00:00] Hello everybody and welcome back to the Marcos Square podcast slash video show. Matt and Nick here, and today we're gonna be talking about website copy and how to make it more compelling, more engaging, and better at converting all of those lovely people into. Paying customers of yours. And we actually started talking about this a little bit on our blog, and I think that's a great place to start.

We're gonna take a look at a whole host of other resources today. but we had this blog post up here a couple days ago. and really I think there, whenever we're talking about like writing copy or writing for website, There's really three main goals or main objectives that, that we have for the the copy.

And first and foremost, and I like to think of this like a funnel, it's informing new people about what we offer so [00:01:00] they can come back when they need us. the second thing is actually selling to people who want what we offer. And then lastly is retaining. Selling to repeat customers and specifically addressing their, their needs.

and, and maybe that's through like a, a rewards program or something like that, or other sort of features of the copy that we can emphasize to make them feel like they, they want to come back. Those are the big three. I think we overcomplicate this a lot of times. It's that we have all these objectives and KPIs and oh, I'm thinking, I'm blanking.

What's the thing Google uses Matt? The keywords. You need keywords. S e o key, well, well, not keywords. I'm thinking OKRs, OKRs, like all the, all the crazy metrics stuff. Yeah. but, but, but anyway, you can overcomplicate this, but really this is what we care about. What, what any website really should be caring about are, is writing content to address these three things.

Matt, what, what do you think? How, how does this resonate with your experience? I. I think it's resonating quite nicely. It's almost as if we're running it from the same organization. [00:02:00] But, but in all seriousness I think, I think you're absolutely right. When people come to their website or creating their website, I think our first idea is to make it beautiful or make it compelling visually rather than focus on what.

What folks actually digest and what they take away. And there's a lot of folks out there talking about this and trying to inform folks on how to write things and how to, how to make their content better so that it resonates quicker. And they can start, you know, at the end of the day, most people's websites are their sales funnel, right?

They want people to come and fill out a form and, and engage and, and ask them to you know, participate in their business in some way. And so when you have that mindset going into it, you know, visual, engaging websites are really important. But content is gonna be the thing that convinces someone to click on something or get into this, the, the sales funnel a lot faster than let's say a, a really wild website.

But there's a balance between those and we, we will talk about a bit more. But I think some people are doing some really cool things about how to help you write good [00:03:00] content and make your website that sales funnel that most folks need it to be. Yeah. No, absolutely. I like what you said there. It's, you're right, like if you would go to any website and you deleted all the content, you took all the texts off of it, you take all the images off of it, what do you have?

You got a bunch of lines, you got some rectangles. You might have a squiggly line or two there, but, but really it's the content that matters most with, with these digital experiences. And if you, if you're missing that, you're, you don't have anything, you've got. A very nice art board. You've got, you've got some aesthetic but you, you have nothing that's actually gonna engage people and and get them excited about what you're selling.

So content truly, truly is king here. but I think we were, you were starting to tee up our next resource a little bit. So how about we, we dive over there. Matt, why don't you, why don't you take it away and talk about this a little bit. So Julian Sapiro is a great marketer. Great you know, designer as well.

Well, I used to say content person. He, he really focuses on delivering great content, fantastic content, but he, he spent a [00:04:00] lot of time in the marketing space and, and learning about. How to convert customers. And one of the great blog posts he has here you know, is all about how to write an enticing homepage, an enticing land page.

And this is all under his startup section of his blog. But I think this is a really good resource for somebody who's coming to create a website and is sitting there thinking, well, what the heck do I do? Like, how do I write engaging content? How do I. Starts, you know, I, I, I think again, like I alluded to before, people go right into the designs.

Before you even do that, you need to think about content. And this is a fantastic resource to get that ball rolling, start writing out that content and have a formula to creating that content. So, Nick, if you scroll down, I think what I really appreciate about Julian is like, you really has it as a recipe, which is right there is, it's really just all about a nav bar.

A which, you know, every website has a hero section where you're really gonna. Distill your, your U V P, your unique value proposition and, [00:05:00] and condense it into like a header a subheader and a C T A, and then you're gonna have some social proof to back that up, another c t a to engage and get more signups.

And then you're gonna talk a little bit about what, what you can deliver in terms of features. I think one of the great things that Julian does is he. A lot of people list their features out, like kind of in a blanket SaaS sort of way. Like we have, I don't know, two thought, two auth authentication, extra data storage, all this other stuff, which is good, like that's part of your business.

But when people are coming to your website, they're looking for an answer to their problem. Now, for someone who's looking for, I, they're not gonna, I, I think it's what Julian does a good job is rather than frame it, As you know, marketing your two factor authentication, what you should really be thinking about is marketing the benefit of your, of your product and your features.

Like how do you frame that? Like we have two auth to now be a positive or like a Displaying benefit statement. I, [00:06:00] I'm, I'm, I'm botching my terminology here, but framing your features as benefits to users. I think that's the, what I was trying to say, but that I, I think his, his way of, he's way more eloquent of a speaker than I am and writer, and he's done a really great job of giving you a formula on how to start translating your features into benefits for users.

Yeah. Riff riffing on that, like you're, you're right people, I mean, some people care about two-factor off, right? But, but what they really care about security. They want to know that whatever they're signing up for HA is secure. It's gonna be taking care of their data. And so you can speak to that benefit as opposed to being like, I.

We've got two factor off and password resets and, and encryption at rest. Like, yes, those are, those are, that is supporting evidence to your claim that you care about their pri their security. But the first thing that's gonna hook their attention is security. Right? So, so speak to the that point first, and then you have all this additional copy and, and features that you can point to and say, yeah, we, we are doing those things and, and here's how we're [00:07:00] doing it.

But, but you're right. Like. I, I think again, we overcomplicate it, it, it, it we, this is a wonderful starting point and it is a place where again, it doesn't, it doesn't take a lot of work. It just takes a little bit of, of some guidance and going in the right direction. And I think if we start from this sort of formula, this.

Outline of content and information we we're gonna need on the page. your designs are gonna come out much, much stronger. And your performance, how the page actually does, how well it converts is gonna be much higher as well, because this is ultimately what's gonna convince somebody that your website is the be all, end all solution to their, to their problem.

But I think if we, we scroll down a little bit more, I mean, Julian goes really in depth here and they, he's got great examples and really walks through the entire process of. Writing and what you need to write for all these sections here, and it is really a fantastic guide. We reference it all the time.

And so if you're new to writing for a website or you know, even if you're an old pro and you just need a refresher [00:08:00] we, we've been writing websites for over 10 years now, and we still refer to this 'cause it is such a, a useful guide. and it, it takes a lot of practice. It's something that you're not gonna, the first website you write.

I know our first website wasn't, wasn't great, but, you know, with, with practice, with time you'll just get better and better at it and it, it becomes not quite second nature, but close to second nature. So it's definitely, it helps. It definitely. Having this as a, as a reference is, is super, super helpful as well.

Anything else you wanna add to that, Matt? I'd like I'd like to double click on that time concept. we spend a lot of time writing copy. that's a lot of what our job is and that's a lot of what we focus on because it's important. We, the communication's really a vital aspect of this whole web experience.

You know, communicating to people efficiently I think is what separates. Good companies from great companies, right? Like to take that next level and really know how you can articulate your value to someone is really, that that's the whole end goal. So spending time there [00:09:00] and going through multiple iterations of a, a phrase, and now with ai, like having that validated against there or just bouncing ideas and rubber ducking against, you know, chat G p t or, or Bard, I think is a really great way to distill and, and, and get, get to the crux of what you're trying to articulate on the web.

Yeah, absolutely. And I think that's a great segue into some of the examples that we pulled up here. So let's go look at some landing pages and see how they're communicating. So we've pulled up some, some classics, some perennial favorites. Stripe being a big one. and, and, and let's just kind of see what do they have here in terms of content.

What do they have here? What are they, what are they saying? What are they communicating and how, how effective do we think it is? so right up top we've got ourselves a nav bar. and again, it's notice how it's, it's product, it's what they're offering, and then also solutions, which I think is a really clever way to present that.

It's not features, it's not like a feature list. It is, it is how we are solving solving your problem. And then they've got [00:10:00] other links like developer documentation for their product, hugely important resources. and then pricing, which is something I think everybody wants to know. What's this gonna cost me?

and then they've had some nice CTAs here as well. Financial infrastructure for the internet I think is really interesting because I. That's like more of a mission statement. and I think Stripe is big enough at this point that they can, they can make this claim and people kind of know what they are.

But maybe for a, if I was building a, a new payment processor, I, I would probably not lead with that sort of a statement here in their hero section. versus versus what they can get away with now that they are sort of an industry leader. So it's interesting to see 'em go with this as a, as a leading headline because.

like you can, you can see this and say financial infrastructure for the internet. Like, what, what does that mean? What is financial infrastructure? Maybe the average person doesn't understand what that is, or even the average developer who's gonna come and say like, I just need a, a payment processor. So I'd be curious, why don't we go look at what does lemon squeezy do?

They're kind of a, an [00:11:00] alternative right now versus Stripe. I just want your, Wonder landing page here. Lemon squeezy is how do they position themselves? Yeah, so they say payments, tax and subscriptions for software companies like that as actually better in my opinion. because it, it resonates a lot closer with what the problem I'm trying to solve and what I'm, what I'm trying to get out of it than financial infrastructure for the internet.

And you see that these are two companies, they're doing the same thing, but they are explaining what they do in, in different ways. And, and this is, is honestly a little bit clearer. Matt, what did, how's that resonate? I think you're right. I, I think Stripe can get away with it again because of their gravitas as a, as a company versus a lemon squeezy.

But I, I, I think you're right in terms of like a clear articulation of what you provide. Lemon squeezy is very transparent. Their payments, tax and subscriptions for software companies, it's very easy to understand what they're doing. For for Stripe, it is kind of this. [00:12:00] Big amorphis, like fin what?

Can you go back? Sorry. Infrastructure. What? Financial infrastructure. Is that? What the Yeah, that sounds intimidating and huge. Like that, that, I mean, which Stripe is right. It's this big, you know. Product with so many different feature sets now that it is kind of this big encompassing, you know, financial infrastructure for the internet, which they've earned and which is like an appropriate title for them.

But it is interesting to compare like a company that's so established, like Stripe versus something that's, you know, trying to come up the ranks like 11 squeezy and how, I mean, not that they're not an establishing great company, but you know, it's just interesting to see how the, you know, an H one can transition based off your positioning in the world.

Now I'm curious. Now I wonder if we go into like an actual product, like if we went to the payments page. Yeah. What second this, so this feels a little bit more closer to what Lemon Squeezy is, is saying here. right. Complete payments platform engineered for growth. Set payments with money. So maybe, maybe Stripe strategy, [00:13:00] because they are so large, is a little bit different now.

Maybe they need like one sort of catchall landing page that talks to their bigger mission and bigger ambitions versus the focus that lemon squeeze. You can have, and again, this is, this gets back to positioning and, and their, their, what they're offering and how, what they're doing in the market. But it's, it is interesting to kind of just like if, if I was maybe a developer at a company saying we gotta use Stripe.

And I give that, I tell my founder to go check out Stripe. and then they come to this, it's like, Hmm, okay, this, this seems good and important, but I, I'm not really quite sure what they, what they're doing here. and, and to be fair, their supporting copy is, is pretty good and actually like addresses some of the concerns that we have.

But that, that initial kind of gut punchier from the the, the, the headline is I don't know. I don't, I know, I don't wanna say it misses the mark, but I, I do wanna say it, it, it had me scratching my head the first time I saw it, but, and, and I know Stripe very, very, very well. So I, I, I think that's the key takeaway here is that everyone knows Stripe, [00:14:00] but scroll down.

Look at the, the six i eight icons they have there. could you name a bigger group of, you know, software companies right now? I don't think so. So it's like, you know, I think they're afforded that luxury because of their, well, like we all know, We're gonna stripe 'cause we know we're gonna stripe. You know what I mean?

We, we don't need to be explained that what they do. and I kind, you know, now that I think about it, I kind of, kind of dig in the, the framework they use. 'cause they are that, I don't know, financial architecture that's literally running the internet right now. So pretty, I don't know. I, I go back and forth, but I, I understand your concerns, especially coming at this from as a, as folks who traditionally help smaller businesses and startups get their, get their footing.

Mm-hmm. Sure, sure, sure. Let's go ahead. Let's look at another example here. This is runway, which we're probably gonna date this video and podcast pretty hard because they were sort of the talk of the town this week. On Twitter. and why don't we just get the, the, so they, they have like a financial platform for, for modeling and things like that.

[00:15:00] and what I think really took everybody by storm was this design, which is how they were presenting the content and all of these interactions and the animations and the, the continuation of the branding and this whole metaphor of flying and travel that goes with their name and, and everything that they're doing there.

But I want to call out and I think like the great one, one of the big things to think about with this is. None of these interactions or this really cool design would be possible without really good copy kind of underpinning their entire experience here. And specifically if we look up here, let's we can kind of break down these sections.

They start with this, the finance platform you don't hate which for me is a little strong. and, and in in my copywriting, I always like to focus on the positive. But again, I think, I think the negative is is a good way to grab attention and, and to definitely a very strong hook. But they, [00:16:00] they describe it very clearly.

It's, it's a finance platform. It's, it's, it, it's a little ambiguous, so you're like, Hmm, I, I need to dig into exactly what they're offering. but then they kind of explain it more down here and say, model, plan. Align your business or everyone on your team, they've got some nice social proof right away, down here, pretty clear.

Call to actions. and they're still, I believe in early access. So they don't have a ton of top level links here, but they've, they've got the important ones for, for right now. So why don't we scroll to this next section here. So right off the bat we see a preview of the experience here so we can sort of contextualize, okay.

This is what they mean by a financial platform. And then they have this first class amenities, which I think is such a clever way to present benefits, right? It's everyone wants to be first class. so they've got that prestige kind of worked into the copy right off the bat. And it's, it's, they do a really nice job of just describing what they're offering here.

and talking about the benefits. So things like [00:17:00] automation, that's something that, a benefit that we would get from the software here. Modeling is a feature, but it's, it's, it's also like one of the key problems that the software is solving. planning. Another really important point here, connecting numbers with your intent.

And, and that's something that, that's the whole point of like having a finance team or, or financial resources on the team, is to plan and be able to look ahead and say, okay, like, where are we gonna get to? I love this. Like the what if, like, that's again, scenario planning is a huge part of finance. and they're, they're addressing these sort of concerns head on, and they're reporting.

That's like the other thing, like, okay, it's, it's where are we going? And then how did we do? And, and it's that that's what finance is all about, is that back and forth there. And they've done such a nice job of like really addressing. Each of these considerations head on. And, and then because they had such strong copy, they were able to present it in this really engaging way with the, the rest of their design here and, and showcase it in the app experience as well.

So [00:18:00] I, I don't know how they built the site. We don't, we don't know what their process was, but I like to think they spent a lot of time thinking about the narrative. And the story they were gonna tell and the features and benefits they wanted to highlight for people. And that unlocked their ability to present the design in this way and, and structure the actual aesthetic and visual part of the design in this super compelling way.

Matt, any, what are your takes here? What, what's, what's resonating? No, I think everything you laid out is super strong. It's something, something that's catching my eye for the first time is that on each one of these cards, they have that. Like the flight path from, you know, automation to actuals. I assume that's what act, I don't know what the ACT abbreviation is there, but I think that's actuals.

So right when you scroll down, you see it like fly across the screen there, right below it's a subheader. And then I see ss m p to like that. So now I'm curious, like simple to scale. Is that what that is? I, I'm just a little confused by those, like what the abbreviations are, [00:19:00] but intent to numbers. Yeah, I think that's what it is.

I like that one. Yeah. The answer. So it's like, I, I just like how they're getting real clever with it. now it's becoming clear. So it is, it is the two kind of key components of each a card becoming that flight path. There's pretty cool, like, it's just you can get creative once you have things defined.

From a content perspective and, you know, then opportunities and design comes into the flesh or into the fold rather. mm-hmm. Yeah. It's just really, it is fascinating. I love this site. It's just like so creative and the, the way they've been able to, like you said, wind, this whole flight and travel analogy or metaphor to their branding is really impressive.

And just like a, it's just so well executed. And I just like, I know we've talked about this, but when we look at [00:20:00] like AI tools, I think this is like what they're missing, right? Is this ability to take really strong content and then create unique and diverse experiences. Now, perhaps in the future they, you know, AI will get there.

But like, this is just like, I don't know, whenever, this always gives me hope as a designer and an engineer that like, all right, maybe we, we won't be completely replaced. Like these experiences are what, you know separate us from just the, the robotic and the plane. Yeah, no, absolutely. And it's funny, it's like there's, there's always a big debate in, in with designers.

It's like you can design with content and you can design without content and you can use like Laura MSU and placeholder and and yeah, like if you know the vibe, if you know, like the branding of the company and like the general aesthetic direction and like, you know, generally what they're trying to communicate.

You can get yourself to a, a decent design, but you really need that content to unlock. This incredible design, that 10 x design that everybody is looking for. And [00:21:00] without it, you, you're just never gonna get there. and that's, I think you, you teed it up nicely. Let's go look at framer here. 'cause they just released their AI tool and I think it's, it's, we were talking about this a little bit earlier this week.

It's a great tool and it's really cool for like, inspiration and stuff, but it struggles with the content and that impacts the design. And, and why don't we go ahead and take a look at that. So like, let's say. you know what? Let's just see, we'll just see that a personal website for my book club. And then, you know, we're describing the content.

It has a list of books, gallery of photos, a green color scheme. We meet every week. So let's go ahead and, and see what that generates for us here. so if you haven't seen Framer ai, it's really cool 'cause you know, this is amazing. It's gonna sit down here and it's gonna code up the website. And this is code, this is not just design, it's, it's actually writing the code for it.

And let's see here. It's generating it in real time as we're having the conversation, assuming it all responsive, which is really nice. and it's, it's creating all this information here. So [00:22:00] let's see here. It's, we got this first section here so far. And again, yeah, I was just saying so far looking pretty good.

It's nailed the green theme, which is something I've had issues with in the past is like not saying a color theme or saying a specific thing and not getting the AI to pick up on that. So I'm impressed that. In like, what it's been a week. I don't, not even a week since this has been released and it's already, it's seemingly picking up on things, but maybe that's 'cause it was already a can like pe that's coming from its own generated engine.

So we'll see. Mm-hmm. Yep, yep, yep, yep. But it does seem to at least be responding a Color pal better. And, you know, it's following the formula. It's gotta nav, it's got a hero section, it's got some imagery up there. it's doing this week's pics and then it's got, I don't know what's down here. Some more books.

Genres. Genres Maybe. Did we ask it for genres? Yeah, gather photos. So, so this is where it gets interesting, right? So this was, we didn't ask for [00:23:00] this, we didn't ask for this content down here, but it's put it in there, right? And so it's like, hmm, this, yeah, looks good. Like it's designed and there's some, it fits the visual hierarchy of the page, but it's like, it's not really doing, doing anything.

and again this is formulaic. It's, it's got the hero section. It's got the kind of. Call to actions here, it's got what they're currently reading in the picks. But like there's, it's not, not runway, it's not, it's not anything close to what this is because it's, it's trying to, it, it, it can't be, oh, what's the, what's the word I'm thinking for?

It's, it's the It's a type of reasoning. It's abductive. It's like it can, it can take things that currently exist and it can mash 'em together into something new, but it can't generate something wholly new and unique. and I think that comes and shows here in the, in the design because it, it's really just remixing existing things and try to plug it in as best as it can, not create something [00:24:00] wholly new and wholly unique.

Yeah. And I, I wanna call something out here, Nick and I, and not to contradict ourselves, but we, we said, you know, Julian has a great formula and that that's a great formulaic way to create a website. What's an issue? Like, what, what's the issue with framers formula? Like, why do you think what do you think is missing from this experience that's, you know, that's creating the wrong formula?

'cause it did seem like you, not, not that you were bashing it, but you, you know, we have two different formulas that we can use. Why, why is this one. Failing. Yeah. So I think with that's a good call out. So there's formulas are good. Let me, let me sit, come back here and say formulas are good. and they can help us get to, to really good designs and they can help us get to really good content.

What I think this fails and, and the reason it fails from a, from a formula perspective, is it's essentially like a random generator. It's like it's like running a slot machine and we've got cherry banana dice, right? And [00:25:00] it's just reconfiguring combinations of things without a lot of guidance, without a lot of structure versus if.

We or humans are following a formula. We are critically applying that formula to the needs of the business and ideally the the needs of the, of the users and the customers wouldn't be buying from it. And so in that case, the formula becomes much more powerful because we're applying it to the to the appropriate context as opposed to just trying to do this like random generation game, which is what this feels like.

'cause we, if we hit regenerate it'll again be, it'll, it's just, we're just basically rolling the slot machine again. And so I think that is the difference here. We're, we're not getting at. True creativity. although this is, I think a big part of creativity just is experimenting with combinations.

This is it's not necessarily doing that critical thinking and synthesis step that humans can do with, with a formula. And I think that's the [00:26:00] piece that was gonna continue to be missing here. and you know, it took a stab at the, at the content here, which I think is a nice foundation. It's a nice starting point, but it's and you know, and maybe, maybe it's better than.

An existing site or a site built like 15, 20 years ago. But I think the, the, there's so much good copywriting out there these days that you can very easily level this up with just a little bit of thinking and, and maybe an afternoon of just like, okay, how do I really wanna say this to my audience?

So that's kind of, that's the, at least my perspective where, where I draw the distinctions. Yeah, I think that, I think that's fair. Yeah. These very much remind me of the Wix or the WordPress sites of. 10 years ago where folks were, you know, using all the same templates and just kind of getting their stuff out there, which is great.

Sometimes you just need to get things out there. But yeah, certainly in terms of like, and, you know, unique inspiring designs it can be lacking. Excuse me for a second. I need to[00:27:00]

we're gonna cut this out in post. It's all gonna be taken care of there.

And so yeah, like the, the designs here, while I think it's like definitely a step on up from the templates we've seen in the past, right? Like I think there's some unique things happening with this header here. And like the con, like all of the content sections itself are like unique developed things. And that's why I think Framer does a great job.

Like even when you're using their templates, right? I think they do a really good job of giving like a nice clean. You know about section, contact section, et cetera. It's just, I, I think you're right. It's hard to, I don't know, square, square peg into round hole with your content here. Like you haven't designed with your content in mind.

So like you could be limiting yourself or closing off opportunities and, you know, for a small business who doesn't have a lot of time and has to get things done, like. Maybe it's easier for you to just come here and make a, you know, [00:28:00] generate a site and get it out and, and, you know, you know, live to fight another day.

Whereas, you know, if you are. But I think at the end of the day, you will ultimately suffer by failing to deliver your message in like a coherent and, and explicit way. and that, you know, could just, like, this could be like a really good, like starting template and then you go through and. Iterate on each content section and like make sure, you know, like we said, it's a good inspiration and good foundational point for you as a, you know, a small business or someone who doesn't have the time to, or resources to hire a, a full stack team or a, a design team where you can at least generate this and then you can refine the content and start adjusting how things lay out on the page.

but it's, it's tough. Like, I, like, I don't know, I, I just, I, I feel torn about it because, At my heart of hearts, I know content is, is what drives engagement on sites and what keeps people coming back and what keeps people submitting contact forms [00:29:00] on the first go around. but if you're doing so, like I think about restaurants and like that's the business that always sticks out in my head with the worst websites in the world.

Like broadly like, you know, like, and the reason why is 'cause they don't have the time and they don't have the money to. You know, they're, they're running a business that is one of the hardest businesses to run, right? And they're generally run at losses and you're like shuffling things all the time. and a lot of times their websites are really hard to navigate, right?

They're those, they're those classic, you know, Wix spun up. They're people that like, duplicate, like that's the one thing that I hate actually, is the people that make the, the mock landing page that like funnels all of the, you know, the online orders to their fake website, whatever. But I think those, like, that's the market that I think could really benefit from like a frame, using a framer site to get something up there and just tell their story a little bit, or tell, you know, deliver their hours, their location, their menu things that are gonna stay stagnant or like relatively fixed for a long period of time.

Then [00:30:00] that content, you know, you can kind of round peg into square hole. But I, I, at the end of the day, yeah, I, I'm wary of that, but that's like the one, one of the bigger not loopholes, but industries where I think could, this could be a really helpful to tool because of some of the flexibility there or some of the, I dunno, the, the benefits of, of just getting something out there.

Mm-hmm. Right, right, right. Yeah. I love that, that square peg round hole. 'cause you're right. If you generate the design first, you are, you, you're limited by the design. Like, okay, like maybe what if we only have three things to talk about down here? It's like, or, or maybe you have eight and it's like, ah, now we gotta finagle the design here to make it work.

Versus starting with the content, you're like, oh, we know we have eight things, so we need to design something that would support. Sort of an interaction. So maybe a carousel makes more sense. Maybe a, a list makes more sense here and the content is defining what the design is. Versus here you're kind of like, I gotta shoehorn this in [00:31:00] and, and make it work for what the design has said instead of designing the best possible experience.

So, but I agree, I think, you know, your small business. This could be great. And this, in fact, it's probably better than a lot of restaurant websites or, or sites up there that got thrown up really quickly. this is, this is very nice visual hierarchy, good tax hierarchy. and you can, you can get it up and running very, very quickly, which I think is, is the key for, for most people.

But I know we're coming up on, on half an hour here, so I think we're, we're at time. Unless there's one more thing you wanna add. No, I think that feels good. you know, yeah. I think this is a, a really good. Conversation we had. and yeah, I think content, content is king and it's exciting to see these new tools and excited to see where they, they go to.

And I hope in this, you know, the second iterations of these these platforms, content becomes more of the forefront. And then that feeds into the, the content gener, the design generation process, which I think seems like a [00:32:00] natural next step below, we'll see. Absolutely. So I think to summarize everything, remember your, your content goals, who you're writing for, go check out Julian's Guide because it really is the best guide we've, we've ever found.

Look at other websites. There are already great copywriting examples out there. try and dissect what they're doing well, what they're not doing well, how you would do it better. Play around with AI because it's still incredible. It's still really fun. and it's good for inspo. It's good for like, oh, these are different combinations.

You can keep hitting, regenerate as much as you want and it'll, it'll keep kind of, again, you're pulling the slot machine and getting different ideas and, and, you know, just practice. It's, it's content is all about practicing and just getting the, the thoughts out there. But that's it for us. We'll see y'all next time and enjoy life.

Take care.

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